WebGL Fingerprint

Table of Contents

WebGL fingerprinting is a technique that identifies and tracks users based on the unique traits of their device’s graphical hardware. This guide will explain what WebGL fingerprinting is, how it works, its implications for privacy, and how to protect against it. 

What are WebGL Fingerprints?

WebGL (Web Graphics Library) fingerprinting involves creating a unique identifier based on the rendering characteristics and capabilities of a device’s graphics hardware using the WebGL API. This fingerprint can be used to track users across different websites and sessions. 

Key Definitions

  • WebGL: A JavaScript API for rendering interactive 3D graphics within any compatible web browser. 
  • Fingerprinting: The process of collecting information about a device to create a unique identifier. 

How Does WebGL Fingerprinting Work?

By leveraging the differences in graphic output between various devices, WebGL fingerprinting can be done. These variations arise as a result of factors like the browser you use as well as your graphic card and installed drivers.  

Below is an outline of how this typically happens: 

Rendering then Capturing 

  • Rendering: Instructs specific graphics to be rendered with WebGL in a browser. 
  • Capturing: Taking hold of such content which could be anything from complicated 3D figures or patterns. 


The captured content is encoded into hash values that represent each detailed feature of the displayed image. 

Components Considered 

  • Graphics Card: Each graphics card renders images slightly differently from others. 
  • Drivers: Rendering can also depend on the installed drivers. 
  • Browser: Different browsers implement WebGL differently due to coding differences. 
  • Operating System: Slight variations at the operating system level can influence rendering trends. 

Techniques behind WebGL Fingerprinting

WebGL Canvas Fingerprinting 

This technique entails rendering output via the canvas element under WebGL and analyzing the results generated. It creates a unique identification number through minute discrepancies observed in graphical renderings. 

Hash of WebGL Fingerprint 

Rendering is then hashed to come up with a unique identifier which is compact and can be used to track the user. 

How to Protect Against WebGL Fingerprinting

WebGL Fingerprint Defender 

WebGL fingerprint defender is a browser extension created to counter WebGL fingerprinting by randomizing WebGL outputs and parameters so that no uniform pattern of fingerprints can be obtained. 

WebGL Fingerprint Defender for Firefox 

This extension provides protection against browser fingerprinting via WebGL on Firefox. 

WebGL Fingerprint Defender for Chrome 

This extension ensures security from WebGL fingerprinting attacks on Chrome. 

WebGL Spoofing

Altering details used in creating this identity, a process referred to as WebGL spoofing. These include: 

  • Modifying WebGL Parameters: Changing values returned by the WebGL functions. 
  • Randomizing Outputs: Randomly changing what is rendered to avoid consistent fingerprints. 

Disabling WebGL

While disabling WebGL will prevent fingerprinting entirely, it may cause some websites and applications to fail to function correctly. 

How to Disable WebGL in Firefox 

  1. Open Firefox and type about:config in the address bar. 
  2. Search for webgl.disabled. 
  3. Set the value to true. 

WebGL Fingerprinting Implications

Privacy Concerns 

WebGL fingerprinting can track users without their knowledge across different websites and sessions, raising significant privacy concerns. 

Security Implications 

In certain cases, the information harvested through fingerprinting may be used to exploit vulnerabilities in specific devices or software configurations. 

Key Takeaways

WebGL Fingerprinting allows identification and tracing of users based on their device’s graphic hardware attributes. Despite its significant impact on privacy and security, there are ways to guard against it using add-ons or disabling WebGL through the browser.

Understanding WebGL fingerprinting and taking necessary actions for its prevention can help maintain your privacy and online safety. 

People Also Ask

WebGL Fingerprinting is an operation where a unique identifier is created out of web-rendering features of graphics hardware on devices using the WebGL API. 

It involves the creation of an image using WebGL that is then captured to form a hash representing some characteristics present in that picture.

WebGL Canvas Fingerprinting entails producing unique fingerprints by analyzing an element during its execution mode in a WebGL-and-canvas combination. 

Using extensions like “WebGL Fingerprint Defender” within your browser or disabling the WebGL function completely. 

WebGL fingerprinting raises privacy concerns as it facilitates user tracking without consent and poses device-specific vulnerability disclosure threats.

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WebGL Fingerprint

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