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Supercookies are a sophisticated tracking mechanism that can be more persistent and harder to delete than regular cookies.

They pose significant privacy concerns as they can track user behavior more effectively and persistently. This guide explores what supercookies are, how they work, their implications, and how to protect against them. 

What are Supercookies?

Supercookies, also known as “perma-cookies,” are tracking cookies that are stored outside the typical cookie storage locations and are harder to delete.

Unlike regular cookies, which can be cleared through browser settings, supercookies can be stored at a deeper system level or within the browser’s cache. 

Key Definitions

  • Supercookie: A tracking mechanism that is more persistent and harder to delete than regular cookies. 
  • Regular Cookie: A small piece of data stored by a web browser that retains user preferences and login information. 

How Do Supercookies Work?

Supercookies can bypass standard cookie storage mechanisms by embedding themselves within different parts of the browser or the operating system.

They often use unique identifiers that persist even after clearing regular cookies. 

Techniques Used

  1. ETags: Entity Tags that are part of HTTP headers can be repurposed to track users. 
  2. HTML5 Local Storage: Utilizing local storage capabilities of modern browsers to store persistent data. 
  3. Flash Cookies: Leveraging Adobe Flash to store tracking data independently of the browser. 
  4. Browser Fingerprinting: Creating a unique fingerprint of a user’s browser settings and configurations.

Supercookies vs. Regular Cookies


  • Regular Cookies: Can be easily deleted through browser settings. 
  • Supercookies: Remain persistent even after clearing cookies and can restore regular cookies that have been deleted. 

Storage Location 

  • Regular Cookies: Stored within the browser’s cookie storage. 
  • Supercookies: Can be stored in various locations, including HTTP headers, local storage, and even outside the browser environment. 

How to Delete Supercookies

Browser Settings 

  1. Clear Browser Cache: In addition to clearing cookies, clear the browser cache to remove any cached supercookies. 
  2. Reset Browser: Resetting the browser can sometimes remove persistent tracking data. 

Third-Party Tools 

Using privacy-focused browser extensions and tools like CCleaner can help remove supercookies.

However, effectiveness can vary. 

System-Level Cleaning 

  1. Flash Settings: Access the Flash Player settings manager to delete Flash cookies. 
  2. Operating System Tools: Use system cleaning tools to remove persistent storage from different locations. 

How to Test for Supercookies

You can use online tools and browser extensions to test if supercookies are present on your system. Websites like Panopticlick by the EFF can help you understand how trackable your browser is. 

Blocking Supercookies

Browser Extensions 

Extensions like Privacy Badger, uBlock Origin, and NoScript can help block supercookies and other tracking mechanisms. 

Privacy-Focused Browsers 

Browsers like Brave are designed with built-in protections against various forms of tracking, including supercookies. 

Network-Level Solutions 

Using a VPN can help obscure your online activities and reduce the effectiveness of supercookies. 

Supercookies and Privacy

Supercookies pose a significant threat to user privacy because of their persistence and difficulty in being deleted. They allow companies to track users across different sessions and even different browsers. 

Implications for Users 

  • Loss of Privacy: Persistent tracking can lead to a significant loss of user privacy. 
  • Targeted Advertising: Increased capability for targeted advertising based on detailed user profiles. 
  • Security Risks: Potential for misuse of tracking data by malicious entities. 

Impact on Different Platforms

Supercookies in Browsers 

Supercookies can affect all major web browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. Each browser may handle supercookies differently, and users should be aware of the specific risks and protections associated with their browser of choice. 

Mobile Devices 

Supercookies are not limited to desktop browsers; they can also affect mobile devices. Ensuring privacy on mobile devices requires similar steps, such as using privacy-focused browsers and apps that block tracking. 

How Companies Use Supercookies

Advertising Networks 

Supercookies are often used by advertising networks to track user behavior across different websites, enabling highly targeted advertising campaigns. 


Internet Service Providers (ISPs) may use supercookies to monitor user activity for various purposes, including data analytics and targeted marketing. 

Future of Supercookies

Emerging Technologies 

As new tracking technologies emerge, the effectiveness and prevalence of supercookies may evolve. Staying informed about these changes is crucial for maintaining online privacy. 

Improved Privacy Tools 

The development of more advanced privacy tools and browser features will continue to help users protect themselves against supercookies and other tracking mechanisms. 

Key Takeaways

Supercookies represent a significant challenge for online privacy due to their persistence and difficulty in being removed.

Understanding how they work and how to protect against them is crucial for maintaining privacy and security online. By using appropriate tools and practices, users can mitigate the risks associated with supercookies. 

People Also Ask

A supercookie is a tracking mechanism that is more persistent and harder to delete than regular cookies, often stored outside typical cookie storage locations.

They use various techniques like ETags, HTML5 local storage, Flash cookies, and browser fingerprinting to track users persistently. 

Clear browser cache, use privacy-focused tools, and clean system-level storage like Flash settings. 

Supercookies are more persistent and can be stored in multiple locations, making them harder to delete than regular cookies. 

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