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Multilogin | Web Automation

Web Automation

Manage thousands of accounts with Multilogin's antidetect browser automation. Automate data extraction using popular browser automation drivers. Bypass restrictions by alternating digital fingerprints.
Web Automation

Automate Mass Accounts with a Single Browser

Easily automate account creation and data population with Multilogin. Enable repetitive task automation across thousands of accounts from a single computer. Enjoy built-in headless browsing and premium residential proxies for efficiency.

Automate Mass Accounts with a Single Browser

Manage Thousands of Accounts

Use Multilogin antidetect browser with browser automation to quickly register, duplicate, and manage numerous accounts. Automate logins, interact smoothly across accounts and simulate real user behavior with fingerprint customization.

Manage Thousands of Accounts

Extract Data from Multiple Pages

Interact with websites as if you had multiple computers, while actually using just one. Multilogin antidetect browser empowers you to extract large amounts of data, while mimicking real user behavior and avoiding detection.

Extract Data from Multiple Pages

Reduce the Risks of Account Restrictions

Use Multilogin antidetect browser with built-in residential proxies and fingerprint adjustment technology to avoid restrictions and automate CAPTCHA bypassing. Whether you use Selenium, Playwright, or Puppeteer, Multilogin makes the process smooth and effective.

Reduce the Risks of Account Restrictions

What is Antidetect Browser?

Antidetect browsers enable you to create multiple browsing sessions, each configured with unique digital fingerprints. By emulating genuine user behavior with advanced fingerprint randomization, they help you run high-volume scraping tasks while reducing the risk of detection.

Why Use Proxies and a Browser from the Same Provider?

Multilogin provides everything you need to manage multiple accounts and automate data scraping effectively. With antidetect browsers that behave like real users, high-quality residential proxies to bypass anti-scraping bots, and support for popular automation tools like Puppeteer, Playwright, and Selenium.

Multilogin Features

Bypass Protection
Bypass Bot Protection
Our fingerprint masking technology is capable of modifying numerous browser fingerprints to avoid detection.
Integration with Selenium, Playwright, and Puppeteer
Automate data extraction with popular browser automation drivers all while keeping them invisible to anti-automation bots.
Residential Rotating IPs
Residential Rotating Proxies
Gain access to premium residential proxy nodes in 1400+ cities across 150+ countries with your Multilogin subscription.
Fingerprint Adjustment  to Match Proxy
Fingerprint Adjustment to Proxies
All browser fingerprints are automatically adjusted to match the proxy’s location, enhancing anonymity.
Supports for All Proxy Types
Supports for All Proxy Types
Whether you use our proxies or bring your own, all proxy types are seamlessly supported.
Data Sync Over VPS
Use our cloud profiles to synchronize browser data across multiple VPS instances effortlessly.
Fully Featured Browsers
 Unlike headless browsers that are easily detected, our browsers mimic real user activity, preventing restrictions by websites.
Team Collaboration
You can collaborate on browser profiles and easily share passwords, cookies, and session progress with team members.

Web Automation FAQ

What is web automation and how can it benefit my business?

Web automation simplifies tasks on websites, such as filling out forms, clicking buttons, and gathering data. It's a real time-saver and helps reduce mistakes. This speeds up how quickly we gather information, which improves how we make decisions, analyze competitors, and research markets.
Multilogin takes it to the next level by letting businesses manage multiple accounts without being detected. Each browser profile has its own unique fingerprint, so it behaves just like a real person online. This is important for tasks like accessing AdSpy databases, generating leads on social media, monitoring rental prices, filling out forms, mimicking social interactions, and automating online shopping.

Is Multilogin suitable for automating tasks on social media platforms like Facebook?

Yes, Multilogin is ideal for automating tasks on Facebook. It lets users create Facebook scrapers to securely and efficiently gather large amounts of data. It also provides the ability to create multiple Facebook accounts. The Multilogin antidetect browser is equipped with residential proxies and rotating fingerprinting and supports popular automation tools like Puppeteer, Playwright, and Selenium, making Facebook automation easy and compliant with platform restrictions.

How easy is it to integrate Multilogin with existing automation workflows?

With Multilogin, you can easily integrate with popular automation tools and frameworks, making it easy to fit into your current workflow. It supports well-known browser automation drivers like Selenium, Playwright, and Puppeteer.

Can Multilogin handle large-scale web scraping projects efficiently?

Yes, Multilogin is highly effective for managing large-scale web scraping projects. It combines features like fingerprint and proxy rotation, which allows you to manage multiple accounts without being detected, as well as scrape large amounts of data from websites effectively. With its advanced features and capabilities, Multilogin is a strong choice for complex and extensive web scraping tasks.

How automation software benefits businesses

Automation software transforms work by automating repetitive tasks, freeing up human resources for more strategic and creative work. It simplifies processing by reducing the need for manual effort in routine jobs like data entry or generating reports, increasing productivity, reducing errors, and accelerating workflows. This transformation enhances how businesses operate and innovate in the modern digital landscape.

How to automate web scraping with Multilogin?

Multilogin can be a powerful tool to improve your web scraping automation by managing multiple browser profiles and mimicking human-like behavior. Here's how to use Multilogin for scraping:

  1. Multilogin Setup:

  • Sign up for a Multilogin plan that suits your scraping needs.

  • Within Multilogin, create multiple browser profiles. These profiles will have unique fingerprints to evade website detection of automated activity.

2. Choose your Automation Tool:

  • Multilogin integrates with popular web automation drivers like Selenium, Playwright, and Puppeteer. These drivers allow you to write scripts that control browser actions and scrape data.

3. Write your Scraping Script:

  • Utilize your chosen automation tool to write a script interacting with the target website. The script should navigate to the desired pages, identify data points using selectors, and extract the data.

  • Integrate Multilogin with your script using its API. This allows the script to manage and switch between the multiple browser profiles you created in Multilogin.

4. Run and Manage:

  • Execute your scraping script. Multilogin will handle launching browsers with unique profiles, reducing the risk of getting blocked.

How to Start Using Multilogin 

Start collecting data effortlessly with the industry leading antidetect browser.


Sign Up

Register using a verified email address.


Choose Your Plan

Select from various subscription plans tailored to your business needs.


Download the Multilogin Agent

Available for Windows, Mac, and Linux.


Access the Multilogin Dashboard

Start creating and managing antidetect browser profiles.


Run Your Data Scraping Script

Integrate your Puppeteer, Selenium, and Playwright data scraping scripts and begin collection.
Get Started

Industry Recognized Antidetect Browser

Trusted by the Community

Watch the Multilogin Demo

Learn how Multilogin enhances your anonymity for robust multi-account management and data scraping activities.

Ready to Manage Thousands of Accounts with Web Automation?

Start Using Multilogin Now!