Build an OnlyFans Scraper
Enhance OnlyFans scraping with OnlyFans scraper. Automatically scrape creator data without facing account blocks, ensuring you gain the necessary insights to stay ahead in the game.

Collect Comprehensive Data
Automatically extract extensive details from OnlyFans profiles, such as usernames, photos, posts, stories, and social media links, along with statistics like subscription prices, post counts, likes, and follower counts to ensure you have all the essential data to benchmark against top creators.

Scrape OnlyFans Data at High-Speed
Optimize your data extraction process with a scraper that delivers real-time data quickly. Stay agile and reactive to emerging trends, and grow your audience by featuring the most popular content.

Bypass Geoblocking Restrictions
Collect creator details from around the world to analyze trends that are typically unavailable in your region, providing a global perspective on OnlyFan’s growth strategies.

Start Scraping in No Time
Start scraping OnlyFans data up to 10 times faster than if you were to build a scraper from scratch. Save time and start gathering insights in less than 24 hours.

Scrape Data From Mobile Websites
Scrape data from mobile websites via desktop browsing while remaining unnoticed. Automate browser actions, optimize with local storage and cloud backup, use personalized mobile browser fingerprints, and reduce API calls for enhanced efficiency.
What is Antidetect Browser?
Antidetect browsers disguise your browsing sessions to appear as if they are coming from different real users. By imitating genuine user behavior, they enable you to keep a low profile while engaging in high-volume scraping tasks.

Why Use an Antidetect Browser for Scraping OnlyFans?
Multilogin equips you with everything you need to build a high-performing OnlyFans scraper: antidetect browsers that protect your accounts from bans, high-quality residential proxies that dodge anti-bot systems, and browser automation support for popular drivers like Puppeteer, Playwright, and Selenium to automate your scraping tasks.

Multilogin Features
Bypass Bot Protection
Our fingerprint masking technology is capable of modifying numerous browser fingerprints to avoid detection.

Integration with Selenium, Playwright, and Puppeteer
Automate data extraction with popular browser automation drivers all while keeping them invisible to anti-automation bots.
Residential Rotating Proxies
Gain access to premium residential proxy nodes in 1400+ cities across 150+ countries with your Multilogin subscription.
Fingerprint Adjustment to Proxies
Fingerprint adjustment ensures that all browser fingerprints match the proxy’s location, enhancing anonymity.
Supports for All Proxy Types
Use our proxies or bring your own, Multilogin supports all proxy types seamlessly.
Data Sync Over VPS
Use our cloud profiles to synchronize browser data across multiple VPS instances effortlessly.
Fully Featured Browsers
Unlike headless browsers that websites can easily detect, our browsers mimic real user activity, preventing restrictions by websites.
Easy Dockerization
Dockerize your OnlyFans scraping instances with ease using our quick dockerization guide.
How to Start Using Multilogin
Maximize your OnlyFans success with the industry leading antidetect browser.

Sign Up
Register using a verified email address.

Choose Your Plan
Select from various subscription plans tailored to your business needs.

Download Multilogin Agent
Available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. It automatically installs two antidetect browsers on your machine, optimized for multi-accounting and data scraping.

Access the Multilogin Dashboard
Start creating and managing antidetect browser profiles.

Create an OnlyFans Scraping Script
Write a script with your developers or get in touch with us for personalized support.
Build an OnlyFans Scraper FAQ
What is an OnlyFans scraper?
An OnlyFans scraper is a tool that extracts information such as posts, images, and other data from OnlyFans profiles. Essentially, OnlyFans scraping involves the extraction of publicly available data from the platform. Mastering data collection helps businesses and individuals automate the data-gathering process, saving time and resources.
How to scrape OnlyFans?
You can scrap content from OnlyFans using tools like Python scripts with libraries such as Selenium or Beautiful Soup, or specific web scraping tools. Automated tools are essential to enhance your scraping.
Multilogin allows you to easily and securely manage multiple accounts while scraping, enhancing both efficiency and security. This automation saves time and effort, making it easier to collect publicly available data from OnlyFans.
How to use OnlyFans data scraper?
There are several steps you can use to extract data from OnlyFans:
The first step is to develop a script for your project. It is important to customize this script to fit with the scraping tool you are going to use.
Once you develop a script, your scraper will be able to scan OnlyFans and collect the necessary information.
After collecting all the required public data, the scraper will process it and then export it in a format of your choice: JSON, CSV, or XLSX.
How does MultiLogin help in OnlyFans data scraping?
MultiLogin helps in OnlyFans data scraping by letting you create multiple browser profiles, each with unique fingerprints. This makes your automated activities appear as if real people are performing them, helping you avoid detection. It also integrates smoothly with popular automation tools and has an easy-to-use Public API for customized interactions, making data extraction more efficient and secure.
Can I scrape OnlyFans with Chrome?
Yes, there are some scrapers available specifically for Chrome. Leveraging browser automation tools like Puppeteer or browser extensions is helpful for a successful web scraping.
With MultiLogin, you can run multiple Chrome profiles simultaneously, making it easier and safer to scrape data from OnlyFans profiles.
How do I promote my OnlyFans anonymously?
To promote your OnlyFans anonymously, you can use pseudonyms and create separate social media profiles that don’t link to your personal information. Always avoid sharing personal details and use proxies to protect your IP address. Platforms like Reddit, Twitter, and niche forums allow anonymous promotion, especially in relevant communities. Ensure that your payment methods and email addresses are also unlinked to your real identity.
MultiLogin can help you manage these multiple profiles easily, making it simpler to keep your identity private and secure while promoting your content.
How can I promote my OnlyFans on Reddit and Twitter?
Promoting OnlyFans on Reddit and Twitter requires actively participating in communities and using relevant hashtags and content to attract followers. To promote your OnlyFans on Reddit, identify and engage with niche subreddits where your target audience is active. On Twitter, post enticing content regularly and use relevant hashtags to reach a wider audience. Engage with followers, retweet related content, and connect with other creators to increase exposure.
With MultiLogin, you would be able to efficiently manage different accounts, which can improve your promotional efforts and help you reach the larger audience effectively. Built-in residential proxies allow you to bypass restrictions and grow your audience. It enhances anonymity and reduces the chances of detection.
What is the best way to promote OnlyFans?
When it comes to promoting OnlyFans, the key is to understand your audience and niche. By creating compelling content and engaging potential subscribers, you can effectively boost your presence.
Multilogin can help promote OnlyFans by helping you manage multiple promotional accounts. This antidetect browser masks or alters your digital fingerprints, reducing the risk of account bans.
Watch the Multilogin Demo for OnlyFans Data Scraping
Get a 10-minute demo video on how Multilogin can help you boost your OnlyFans success with a web scraper while remaining undetected. Just fill in your name, last name and email below, and we’ll deliver the demo video directly to your inbox.